Hansel and Gretel by Albion Scriptworks ~Second Life~

Once upon a time there was a girl… who loved to read. As soon as she opened a book and sat down her reality shifted right around her. Page by page little things would come to life jumping out of the pages through the emitted light. During her short walk through the room to the rug, the book caused bread crumbs to trail behind her….. Once she sat down in the library to enjoy this story she was surrounded by the little birds that were eating her trail. Just think what might happen later on in the story of Hansel & Gretel…

Hansel & Gretel storybook by Denis Albion of Albion Scriptworks (FB page).
Storybook Combo
Bread crumb walker

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2 Comments Add yours

  1. LittleFears says:

    Fab pic, Amanda.


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