PlantPets Shows Support for Ukraine! Second Life

I just love PlantPets and I have been designing the sim lately with them and other things too. SL is a great escape from all the bullshit in RL…. The PlantPets section of the sim is public but you can still cam around the rest and see what I have been up to lately.

Notecard: PlantPets released a free limited-edition sunflower with the colors of the Ukrainian flag to show our support for the people of Ukraine. 

This LE is available free of charge at the PlantPets Main Store until April 3.

You must wear the PlantPets group tag. There is a limit of one plantpet per av. The first stages of the plant are sculpties. Once the plant grows to 95%, it becomes 6 LI mesh.

Slava Ukraine! 🇺🇦

PlantPets is a product of dejaPi Script Lab.

PlantPets started in 2007 as a project for creating growing flowers and plants in Second Life which interact with their owner like virtual pets. Now we offer close to 600 different plantpets including roses, orchids, hibisci, and many others. The plant parts are temporarily rezzed above the planters which makes the older scuilpt plants not to be subtracted from prims available on land, while the newer mesh plants are low LI.

PlantPets can grow and express their happiness when you take care for them. They are breedable and will give you transferable baby seeds if kept healthy and happy over a period of time.

PlantPets website for all the info you could ever need.

Go join PlantPets group and start up a new hobby/business in Second Life.

The Plantpets Main Store LM

Magick’s Plantpets LM!!

Magick Thoughts PlantPets Marketplace

❤~~~~~AmandaMagick’s connections are as follows~~~~~❤

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Sometimes I find old movies on Youtube and this one is keyed up to go watch when I am done with this blog. I am suffering withdrawal lately going off of the Zoloft/Sertraline. That shit is heavy duty medication and I am down to taking it every other day and so now when I do take it I am ready for a nap. Anyway… here is the movie for today if you are interested….

Remember … do not let anyone steal your joy. Find what makes you happy and do it often.

Much Love!


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