Blogging Prospects

To Whom it may concern,

I love to blog and take pictures in SL. I am a photoshop junkie and look for reasons to play with it. However due to conflict of interests I will not overlap designers, creators and builders. If you would like me to review/blog for you please send me a notecard with all details about you and what you are interested in. I will then let you know if I am available to do that.

I blog for:

Paris Metro Couture
eTc Poses by Envy Watts at the moment but can add on others.
LEA Builder Tahiti Rae but can do others as well.
[satus Inc

Social VR & Pixel VR by Athayus Quan

Please click my linked pics in the footer widgets of this site for all my affiliates.

I do continue to make my own art now and then for exhibits when I have time. I am not as busy as it looks but please send me a notecard if you need to and I will respond to you promptly.

MUCH LOVE~~AmandaMagick

Magick Thoughts Flickr Page
Here is a blog I reblogged with my own input. Please read the original source by Bergdorf Reports Validitay of Virtual Photography and whether it is legit.