LEA Linden Endowment For the Arts is Closing in Second Life

I had no idea that LEA is not part of the actual Linden Staff and is actually run by some hard working Art lovers of SL as The Linden Endowment For The Arts Committee. They are stepping down so LL can revamp it or do something new? I just can’t believe it is closing. I…

~The White Cliffs of Dover LEA 14~ by Tahiti Rae

The White Cliffs of Dover LEA14 is open Now!! Sept. 10th.  As you may know I have had the honor to blog Tahiti Rae’s builds for the past couple years and she has amazing destinations under her belt. She was the builder of Love Henry, Evre and now The White Cliffs of Dover among many…

Hideaway In Autumn ~FLF~

I want and did some FLF Fifty Linden Friday shopping this morning. This one of the lesser expensive things for me to do and I am not spending all my L either lol. The very center of the scene are the FLF items I bought. The table and chair set have bento poses. The tiny…

Paris METRO Couture ~Biker Story New for Collectors + Gifts!~

Introducing a New Collection “Biker Story” made from a story book illustrated about a red motorcycle. -5 New gowns 450L each for limited time fit classic (most) Belleza, Maitreya, Slink, Hourglass and TMP -3 New Mesh Shoes fit Belleza, Maitreya, Slink (250L for a limited time) -3 New Awesome Motorcycles (Harley) fits everyone (500L each…

The Night Theater ~Variety Show~

Of all the performances I have seen in Second Life I think The Night Theater’s performance today was one of the most beautiful, enchanting and fun I have ever seen. It is right up there on my list with a few of the very best in SL. The stage and set are top notch and…

The Elements ~by Joseph Nussbaum~ JN Studios

A year ago I was involved in a wonderful machinima with some amazing friends in Second Life. Our little circle of artists have so much fun… there have been other videos as well with some of us… Please ENJOY!!! I want to thank Joseph and all for including me in the fun I am still…

Courtesan Series ~Art of Dreams~ AmandaMagick

This is the beginning of an idea. Maybe a dream of courtesans…. the stories form slowly in my mind or maybe yours…. Please click the images to see them larger! taken at: Le Poppycock Stay tuned for more…. I am also wearing… if you can tell or even see it…. #12 MC.Necklace.Moon #EMPIRE – Virginia…

Rocky Horror Esque ~DO YOU DARE?~

“Wellll you got caught with a flat… (eyebrow raise) how about that?” “Well babies don’t you panic… by the light of the night, it will seem alright.. I’ll get you a satanic mechanic….” “So come up to the lab…. and seeee whats on the slab…. I see you shiver with anticip…….. …….. …….. pation” Please…

Summer Bubbles ~Paris Metro Couture Beach Shop at Paris~

If someone says that they are cooler than you just remember… YOU ARE HOTTER THAN THEY ARE! Go cool off at the beach with your friends. Bubbles Bikini in belleza sizes and Slink Physique. Please click the images to see them larger. The Beach Shop LM  Paris Metro Couture casuals and summer at the Beach,…

You Are Invited ~Gedenspire Gallery 2~ Arab World Exotic and Mysterious!

The the world of deserts, mysterious cities, alluring harim beauties and proud warriors. Orientalism is the Near East as seen through the eyes of Western artists from Gericault to Picasso. Featured performance by the Oasis Dancers. At the Gedenspire II Gallery Saturday, May 27th – 12:00 pm slt …::::::::::AmandaMagick’s connections are as follows::::::::::…. Gallerie D’Magick~new…

I Found ~THE DIRTY GRIND~ Independent Artist Community!

Ok sooo Beth Odets found her subscribo. It said so in my chat window when I logged in to SL tonight. So I thought.. OK lets go. WOW am I glad I did! I love listening to true artist musicians whether they are doing covers of Jim Croche or The Indigo Girls or…. playing their…

This Girl Had Early Access to ~Shoetopia!!!!~

OMG…. I had early access to Shoetopia through SL Bloggers…. I tried to be frugal as I was skipping around squealing to myself… You know what I thought I would see? I thought or dreamt I would see a pair of high platform shoes or boots with a fish aquarium inside it. sighs…. no such…

When the Desert Blooms ~Paris Metro Couture Collectors Sale!~

Beautiful beautiful spring is now in bloom with a few special dresses for from Paris Metro Couture. Time to blow away the winter blues with the warm spring wind…. This year the desert is blooming and so beautiful it inspired three casual mesh dresses. In Paris and Sydney for a limited time only 300 for…

Magick Thoughts in oil painting Second Life

One of the mottos I have always lived by is “Go big or go home.” The things I dive into from the high dive keep me busy for sure. I want to share with you this representation of my thoughts today. It is actually a quick snap from a blog I wrote yesterday about the…