Open Access to Visit Our Home ~TODAY ONLY~ Love Never Fails

  Isle of Magick Open Sim to Visit Today Only! While I have been decorating and terraforming our sim with Jodies help it has become so beautiful with winter ethereal dreams. We have decided to open it up to the public for today only 12-17-17 for the entire day and evening. Once it is closed…

My Recent Expedition ~Elysion~

Upon landing at Elysion and waiting my usual painful rezzing time… (I have terrible internet and its mostly my fault I rez so slow). I could not believe my eyes as I turn around and take a look. I grabbed the useful teleport hud to wear and started on my journey. Please click these images…

Second Life Pictures and ~FaceApp~

.At first I was surprised at how well people were getting their avatars to smile. After I started to see more and more snaps of big smiles I decided to search for that FaceApp that is on the bottom of all the pictures. FaceApp is a mobile app for your phone. So I went to…

This Girl Had Early Access to ~Shoetopia!!!!~

OMG…. I had early access to Shoetopia through SL Bloggers…. I tried to be frugal as I was skipping around squealing to myself… You know what I thought I would see? I thought or dreamt I would see a pair of high platform shoes or boots with a fish aquarium inside it. sighs…. no such…

When the Desert Blooms ~Paris Metro Couture Collectors Sale!~

Beautiful beautiful spring is now in bloom with a few special dresses for from Paris Metro Couture. Time to blow away the winter blues with the warm spring wind…. This year the desert is blooming and so beautiful it inspired three casual mesh dresses. In Paris and Sydney for a limited time only 300 for…

▽ Auto-reported by Facebook!! ▽

A new feature has rolled out from Facebook that is targeting our Second Life artwork. I am sure it is targeting the things it should be like porn and abuse and such but I think it is a weeee bit aggressive. In fact today a friend of mine who is moderator of an SL group…