Stop Blurring Your Pictures! ~Tips and Tricks~ Second Life

Everyone has their technique in editing their Second Life pictures. Everything from no editing at all right through to Photoshopping the holy hell out of it until the picture is no longer an SL picture but a unique work of digital art. When I started editing my pictures back in 2014ish… I was terrified of…

Everyday is a School Day ~egirls and Second Life~

Ok so for me I think everyday is a school day. Or I am in the generation that is toooooo old to know this stuff. But hey I do my best at keeping up with the modern day society and internet knowledge. LOL. Todays topic is “egirls.” The urban dictionary says… egirldefinition 1: a girl on tiktok that…

Hansel and Gretel by Albion Scriptworks ~Second Life~

Once upon a time there was a girl… who loved to read. As soon as she opened a book and sat down her reality shifted right around her. Page by page little things would come to life jumping out of the pages through the emitted light. During her short walk through the room to the…

Hansel and Gretel Storybook ~Albion Scriptworks~

The breadcrumbs and birds follow the girl into the library as her schoolmates wait. She stops and the storybook has a life of its own. Turning the pages reading aloud the images appear behind her for all to see. Oh the excitement as Hansel and Gretel approach the witches house…. This is the Twice Upon…

The Catalyst that Caused Me ~Second Life Perfection~

In my early days of SL I was mesmerised by a girl I new in SL. Her art was amazing and she would never make me an appointment and do my picture. After awhile I decided that she hated me and I started learning to take my own crappy pictures. Having just learned where my…

Damned Snow White by Magick Thoughts ~Alternative Fairy-Tale~

Have you ever heard the tale? I mean the damned tale? Fairy-tales are much more exciting when you sit down and read an alternative one. Grimms don’t hold a candle to this story of the damned. Damned Snow White The evil witch in this tale was far more evil than we ever thought possible. The…

Antique Style Portrait in Second Life

A little while ago like a couple weeks back I made a pose. I was inspired by the Mona Lisa. So I looked on google and used it as a reference for posing my avatar. I am using the Anypose Basic and while it does not have bento for the fingers and such it does…

Glowfairy 2 ~Paris METRO Couture~ Double Double Toil and Trouble!

She is too terrified to behold of what is in the pot stewing. The wicked witch of desperate times was starving and catching all the fairies for her evening autumn meals. Bubbling and brewing over the hot fire were for sure a couple of the glow fairy friends. Glow Fairy 2 is a second rendition…

Murderess ~* A.F.I Designs *~

The Murderess was taking a break from her gruesome problem and it was truly a game of delicate work. The most horrifying thing is to hack up little children and put them on display. But this is what she does… what a gruesome oddity to behold.. how awful and bloody. (taken at: Pendle Hill-editors picks)…

Deathless ~LEA23 The Gates or Oria~ by Tahiti Rae

LEA23 THE GATES OF ORIA by Tahiti Rae Open thru Dec 31, 2018 Deathless (Please click the images to see them larger!) Deathless Landing Point The Gates of Oria Main Landing Point The stories of Deathless are untold. Perhaps our fantasy love took 300 years to grow, an eternity to live and never dies. Maybe…

Magick Went Ginger

For a while now I have been looking for a fair skin with freckles that I like. I have had a ginger look in my mind for a long time with fair skin, freckles, ginger hair and mysterious beautiful look. I had Anne Rice vampires in mind Maharet and Mehare but I have already been…

Sing With Blondie ~Heart of Glass~

I always have tried to sing along with this song but Blondie’s sort of mumbling the words. So I finally looked up the lyrics. Now we can sing along LOL. I remember driving through the country of Champaign County Illinois when I was little with my mom or dad and this song would come on….

Summer Sizzle Paris METRO Couture ~video~

Have a sizzling summer in Second Life. Wear Paris METRO Couture! You can also shop in real life for Paris METRO Couture…. Paris METRO Couture website Treat Yourself! ~~~~~Paris METRO Couture’s Other Locations~~~~~ 􀀁 Paris METRO Couture la Samaritaine Paris France 􀀂 Paris METRO Couture The Renaissance 􀀃 Tiki Rose by Paris METRO Couture 􀀄…